Taking GFX and WC3 Resources to the New Dimension

News: May 19, 2010

I have checked my file sharing account that still nobody is downloading my WC3 resources. I also noticed that zadelim, a Chinese speaker and a member of WarCraft Unlimited (a Warcraft III forum), has made 4 League of Legends WC3 icons (Jax, Pantheon, Shen, Blitzcrank) without first seeing my blog. But I came first in the race. Still no redistribution of my icons please… If you want to make WC3 icons similar to mine’s, SEARCH FIRST.

Meanwhile, I’ll be in busy mode, and because of that I’ll post once or twice every day here. Also someone comments on my Daegon sig, and I deleted the comment because it is irrelevant to the post.

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